President’s Message
A Message from Your ASA President - Dr. Roy Getchell
It is my privilege to welcome ASA members the 2023-24 school year! Please remember that the ASA is your organization serving all superintendents in the state of Alaska. Our professional calling is one of consequence which is why I have chosen the theme of Our Time as our ASA annual theme.
Watching school leaders and mentors through the years I never ever imagined myself being able to do the same type of work as a superintendent. I can clearly remember viewing administration through rose-colored glasses of amazement as they led their schools and districts to places of higher ground. For that reason, I humbly know the importance of the roles we have as leaders of our schools and communities.
Whether this is your first year or your 20th as a superintendent, this is in fact OUR TIME.
It is OUR TIME to stand for the principles that have made the public school system in America the best in the world. It is OUR TIME to ensure that our children receive the same benefits that we did as children and that they preserved for future generations. It is OUR TIME to continue to strongly advocate, without apology, for reliable and predictable funding so that every Alaskan child receives an excellent education every day. It is OUR TIME to make that mission a reality by making sure that our students have the BEST educators in the country who work with them in our schools.
I look forward to OUR TIME and our work together! It is through our leadership that great things happen for our students and families.
Dr. Roy Getchell, ASA President,
Superintendent of Haines Borough School District